Apr 17

Recycling can be profitable

With tonnes of waste being produced daily, waste management is an issue all over the globe. There are ways you can turn this impending problem in a great business opportunity. But most of us are not aware how we can turn waste recycling into business. There are many ways you could start a recycling business, and you can learn that from the internet. You just need to be creative, diligent and industrious which are the same skills you use in other business. Doing business in recycling is actually is solving two problems with one solution. You can make money from garbage and also help save the environment. The best example of exemplary waste management is Sweden’s model. Sweden actually imports garbage for its Power plant from other European countries. The waste management there is not a problem but a way to produce cheap power. Recycling waste in Sweden is indeed very profitable. A model which can be and should be replicated worldwide.

Advantages and challenges of recycling business

We have seen that recycling is a great business opportunity. But how and why is the business profitable. The first reason for the profitability is that recycling needs are increasing everyday. More and more waste is being generated, and this means opportunity for new players. Also the setup cost is less than most businesses. This means reaching the break even point quickly and become profitable. Second reason is that there is huge need for recycled products. The manufacturing units looking for cost cutting options could do so with recycled products. The major business is in recycled packaging material. It is just like you use the birthday wrap you get on your birthday, that you use to wrap the gift for your friends’ birthday. Now let us examine a few challenges of recycling business.(1) Capital Intensive – The business requires capital to start. However the returns are quick. (2) Recycling machines are expensive – This can be solved if you can get the machines fabricated locally. (3) Collection is time consuming – Waste collection is very tedious and time consuming. Choose either collecting waste or recycling it as a business both combined is not always the best option.Recycling can be profitable 2

Recycling Business ideas

There are many ways you can earn money from waste. Here are a few simple ways that you can implement into a business. This is not an exhaustive list, but some simple ideas. (1) Waste collection center – This is the easiest way to start. If you have a space where you can collect waste, you can earn money. Just need to collect the waste and the recycling plants will pick up from your center and pay cash for the waste. (2) Cartridge recycling – Reusing the same cartridge can save a lot for the corporate. Here lies the opportunity to start a business. You can provide the service of refilling cartridge and make money. (3) Construction waste recycling – Construction involves considerable leftovers and scrap. You can buy this at really low cost and resell them at other construction sites. Things like hardwood, construction waste and electrical goods can really help you make money quickly and also help the environment in the process.

Feb 12

How to Recycle

Waste management is very critical for protection of the environment. While in Britain I have seen the way waste is disposed, which is mostly in landfills. But it is not productive , proactive and potentially dangerous with methane gas build up. Sweden does it differently and the world can learn from Sweden, how to recycle waste and produce energy. Sweden does it so effectively that it has to import waste from other countries for its specialised Power plants.The most common types of waste as per the source are industrial waste, medical waste and household waste. Among the three household waste is very diverse. It contain plastics, food, garden waste, household dust and hair. Considerable care has to be taken to separate household waste and manage it.

Kinds of household waste

Household waste can be categorised into food and garden waste (Green code) which decomposes easily, mixed dry waste consisting of newspaper, food tin, aerosol canisters and aluminium foil (Blue code) and non-recyclable waste like porcelain, nappies, sanitary pads and ply packaging (Black code). Some of Green code waste can be put into compost pit and can be used as manure. Rest can be recycled after drying and can be used by power generation company after they have been compressed into blocks that can be burned. Blue code can be recycled as energy blocks for power generation and the metal based waste has to be separated and recycled. Black coded waste is the one which requires the most careful recycling. Buildor a Swedish company that deals in household equipments has taken the social responsibility of household waste management very seriously. They have a window of consultation on how to dispose of their product when they have reached their usage age.How to Recycle 2

Ways to manage different kind of waste

Food and garden waste decomposes naturally. Out of these food waste can be minimized by proper food management. The reductioncampaign for minimization of food waste is an endeavor for this purpose. Garden waste can be easily become manure for the plants in the compost pits. Mixed dry recycling is the way to manage blue coded waste. It contains plastic bottles which are separated and recycled and the metal based waste which has to be treated similarly. The paper waste here can also be minimised by minimizing the use of paper. The way to go is to try and print on both sides of the paper and only use paper when absolutely necessary. Trying to minimize use of paper napkins is another way to go green. Now what about the Black coded waste? It contains hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Waste like batteries and computer items have to be disposed with care. They contain metals and chemicals which are harmful for nature and require much effort and money in recycling. Specialised treatment plants have to take care of hazardous waste and dumping in open should not be done. Awareness programs about waste management can be a great help. Sweden is doing such a great job and the world should follow their lead.

Jan 17

Turning Rubbish into Energy – Using household waste

In Sweden it is a common practice to turn garbage into an energy source. Turning something that can’t be used into something to provide electricity is an amazing thing. This innovative way of creating energy is the way to go; getting rid of garbage, helping the environment and providing a much needed resource. It’s no secret that across the planet landfills are filling up with trash that will not break down, meaning it’s just going to sit there for years and pollute the planet. If there are ways to get rid of this problem and introduce green waste management systems then everyone should be working to try and fix it. No one wants the planet drowning in its own waste!

What does Renewable Waste Mean?

Household waste can be recycled to create energy and that includes food that isn’t wanted. Food that has been thrown out is collected to be converted into gas. It is composted down to biogas which is a technology that uses microbes to eat waste and produce methane. Since Sweden wants to replace fossil fuels with biogas by 2030 they have a huge state in this technology. Biogas is just one way to start breaking down garbage and turning it into energy, there are many types of composting, recycling, and repurposing that can be done with the trash produced in the average household. Sweden has put into place a waste management system that has allowed them to greatly decrease the amount of waste in landfills and across their country. A green waste management system allows trash to be collected from home and that which cannot be recycled into energy is incinerated. The steam from this burning process produces the energy needed to run nearby homes. Sweden is effectively giving people power by burning trash. That which they do not burn is recycled and repurposed so it doesn’t sit in a landfill and harm the environment. Sweden actually imports waste from other countries because they are doing such a good job getting rid of their own.Turning Rubbish into Energy - Using household waste 2

With over thirty-two plants turning trash into usable energy, Sweden is the leader in a zero waste management revolution. The people of Sweden help the process by separating their garbage. They separate plastic, metal, newspaper, batteries, and much more to be reused or turned into compost. It seems to be a conscious effort in Sweden for people to contribute to the reduction of waste in their country. Other countries could learn a lot about cutting back on their rubbish and finding ways to re-purpose and reuse it for good. Countries like America, for example, have over one hundred million tons of trash sitting in landfills. While there has been talk in the past about mandatory recycling, nothing has really been done to move in that direction. With that much trash just sitting around, other countries could take notes from Sweden and start creating some energy from all that garbage and actively participate in improving the environment.

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